Brand New Hannah Wants: Listen to it Here.

Whether you were stirring from your short-lived slumber as your first-born started to splutter and cry into the baby monitor, or drunkenly stumbling home after a mental Friday night at your local rave pit, at 4 am on Saturday morning Hannah Wants took over BBC Radio 1 with her freshly delivered Essential Mix.

Now, everyone must have heard of Miss Wants by now, but in case you haven’t (because you’ve been living under a sound-proof rock for the last two years); she’s the self taught DJ and music producer from Birmingham with the EDM scene sitting comfortably in the palm of her hands. Specialising in the newly formed hard-hitting bass house genre that has graced our speakers over the last couple of years, Hannah has risen to fame and fortune producing tracks such as Breathe, Rudeboy and of course Rhymes. With a strong presence online, (until recently) keeping up with regular SoundCloud and YouTube Channel uploads, Hannah has amassed a worldwide army of bass junkie followers keeping her very busy with gigs all year round.

And we mean, all year.

Luckily though for her fans and fans of the current house scene she still had time to drop in a wicked mix to Broadcasting House; if you have a spare couple of hours and are in need of a soundtrack, the link below is your saviour.

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